Surgery Newsletter

  1. We recognise the importance of providing support for our patients. That’s why we plan to conduct training sessions for those needing assistance with e-consult, Accurx, and online form filling.
  2. In order to better manage our patient flow and ensure everyone receives timely care, we’ve made the decision to suspend walk-in appointments on Wednesdays. Patients are now required to call the surgery for appointments or book online.
  3. Since we have changed the appointment system, we intend to offer 60% same-day appointments. Some reservations will be made for children under 5 years old, the frail, and cancer patients.
  4. The way online requests are handled will change. GPs will review them to ensure each patient receives the appropriate response, and we are heading towards total triage.
  5. Please noteā€”the surgery has Protected Learning Time as part of the PCN group. During this time, the surgery will be closed from 13:30 to 17:30. Our telephone access will be covered by 111 during these days. As the PCN informs us of these dates, we will notify all our patients.

Training sessions have started for E-Consult. 90 patients have been booked for the 10th Dec 2024. Patients will be contacted as more training sessions take place.